It is a non-profit organisation (NPO / NGO) to save the planet earth and its living being from different calamities.
MOTTO: save earth because we are living on it.
William Shakespeare ..."One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
Save The World Right Now!
More and more people are becoming aware of the toll that civilization has taken – and continues to take – on the environment. As the Earth’s delicate ecosystems are exposed to the whims of human industry, many unfortunate phenomena are occurring. Before further, irreparable damages occur, people need to focus on ways to save the world.
Is The World In Trouble?
The push to save the world is largely precipitated by the increasing signs of global warming and other troubling problems. Scientists and other scholars are continuously studying the matter, constantly on the lookout for signs of trouble for planet Earth. Environmentalists are increasingly begging the public’s help to save the world and to turn the tide against the growing amount of damage to the environment.
The curriculum at many public schools now includes education about saving the world and the harm being done to the Earth through pollution, landfills, gases and other dangerous effects. These problems are being tackled in a number of different innovative ways; there are more ways to help save the world than ever before.
Why We Need To Save The World Right Now
Just in the last century, the damage caused by the worldwide use of automobiles has been very pronounced. Although emissions standards have been passed and are in effect in many countries, enough damage has already been done to have a major impact. In order to save the world, we will need to look for alternative ways to fuel the cars that we drive; the damage that cars do to the atmosphere and the environment in general is undeniable.
Among the many ways of saving the world, a lot of people are opting to ride their bicycles or walk whenever possible. In this save the world philosophy, every little bit helps – and each effort has an impact. Politicians in the United States are getting in on the save the world act; the last presidential election threw the dire condition of the environment into the spotlight more than at any other time in history.
Ways To Save The World
In addition to eschewing automobile use wherever possible, there are many ways – both big and small – to help save the world. Recycling everything you possibly can is a great way to contribute to saving the world; even if your community does not having a recycling pickup, you should be able to find a drop off place nearby. If not, rally your fellow citizens for one and demand that recycling become a bigger priority in your community.
Another great way to help save the world is to use as little energy as possible. This means avoiding using electricity unless absolutely necessary – i.e., turning off lights when they’re not in use, and using low energy bulbs. By using less water, you can also help save the world; turn off the tap unless you are actively using the water and don’t let it run endlessly for no apparent reason.
Save Mother Earth: Tips to Save the Environment:
More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of saving mother earth. Indeed, the sense of urgency behind the drive to save the environment is stronger than ever before. After all, we only have one planet; if this one becomes totally ruined, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not have a home. If we all do our part to save mother earth, it is definitely possible. Therefore, people should learn as much as they can about ways that they can help save the environment; by working together, our planet can remain habitable for centuries to come.
Save Mother Earth Tip #1: Recycling
The popularity of recycling has increased a great deal in recent years, as people search for ways of saving mother earth. Recycling can have a dramatic impact on helping to save the environment. Many different things can be recycled and reused, reducing waste and garbage in landfills and around the planet. In terms of helping to save the environment, recycling is an excellent strategy. It makes sense, in saving mother earth, to reuse her resources as much as possible. Increasing recycling efforts can help us save the environment.
Save Mother Earth Tip #2: Education
Teaching our children about the importance of saving mother earth is a great way of instilling lifelong habits that can help save the environment. Schools are increasing the teaching of subjects that pertain to helping to save the environment. Young children are encouraged to help save mother earth by engaging in various habits that promote eco-friendly techniques.
Parents can also increase the green-education of their children by demonstrating every day strategies for helping in the fight to save the environment. If everyone does their part, today’s children will be tomorrow’s environmentalists, helping to save our planet from ruin.
Save Mother Earth Tip #3: Reducing Consumption
In addition to recycling and reusing a lot of the materials that we rely on, people can help save the environment by reducing their use of them overall. This pertains not only to paper and plastic, but also things like water and energy.
Saving mother earth should be approached from every possible angle, after all. If you want to help save the environment, you can begin by using less resources. We can help save mother earth by being conscientious about the resources that we use; with effort, it is possible to save the environment.
Other Ways To Save Mother Earth
There are many small, easy ways to contribute to saving mother earth. You can try only running the tap when absolutely necessary; this saves water and can, in turn, help save the environment. Never litter; saving mother earth begins with cleaning up after yourself. Where possible, ride a bicycle to get around; less cars on the road can significantly help save the environment. Turn off unused lights in your home to further enhance your fight to save mother earth, and encourage others that you know to follow suit and spread awareness.
1. Investment
Investors help to acquire rainforest land, and receive carbon credits at a set price to trade. Some of their investment will go towards acquiring new land and to help with community projects.
2. Project Developer
We acquire through joint ventures with International Governments and landowners, rainforest land that would’ve been cut down, classed as deforestation. We also acquire land that has already been deforested and re-plant it. The quality of our carbon credits, come from strict adherence to the Voluntary Carbon Standard and the CCBA, together with implementing a high standard of our community projects.
3. Carbon Broker
Once we have our carbon credits issued to us, we are then able to trade them via our carbon brokerage. This means that we do not have to pay someone else to trade these for us, and so costs for investors are always kept to a minimum. This also gives us an opportunity to set the price of our own credits and build our brand awareness.
4. Carbon Assessor
Working to the Carbon Trust Standard, we provide full carbon assessments to companies who want to reduce their emissions. We do this by initially working out their carbon footprint, producing a detailed report to show how they can reduce their emissions and by selling them our carbon credits if they need to offset. We offer a full marketing package, to organisations, to help promote the fact they have become carbon neutral through saving the
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not something that we take lightly at SAVE PLANET EARTH FOUNDATION INC . We believe in the conviction that environmental and social responsibilities are fundamental to a sustainable future.Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined in many ways, but ideally it can be termed as a philanthropic model, where companies behave ethically, and donate a share of the profits to produce an overall positive impact on society. At Forestry For Life, our CSR policy is a key part of our business plan as this is one of the main reasons for clients investing with us. Investors feel good about investing their money into our projects, knowing that as well as getting a decent return on their investment, they can see the benefits impacting on local communities.Communities have many faces, issues and perspectives. They do however have common problems. Problems of uncared for sections of society: problems of inadequate education, problems of sanitation, problems of finance. Together these problems act to weaken any help that is provided to the community. For a holistic solution to rural poverty stronger communities are required.“We believe that by creating sustainable livelihoods for the poor, poverty will be reduced and the living conditions in the developing world will improve.”SAVE PLANET EARTH FOUNDATION INC are working on mitigating climate change by creating sustainable livelihoods for the poor while reducing poverty to improve living conditions in the developing world. Our projects include the building of schools, public health centers and water wells. We will also provide better sanitation, jobs and education to local communities on how to look after their land.We consider our responsibility for the impact on;The environmentThe communityEmployeesFurthermore,
Vision & MissionThe vision is to create a Sustainable Business for a Sustainable Future. By making your green investments grow, in projects that are mitigating climate change at the grass roots level, we will see sustainable livelihoods created for the poor and poverty reduced.It is a three-fold mission:Protecting the environment and biodiversity through the mitigation of climate change.Enabling local economic growth through the creation of sustainable livelihoods for the poor.Supporting social development through poverty reduction initiatives.
SAVE PLANET EARTH FOUNDATION INC . is dedicated to inspiring tolerance and goodwill between all peoples of all nations, faiths and races. The organisation does not belong to a class, a group, a nation, a politic or a belief and as such does not offer a platform for any sectarian views. It is an organisation committed to ushering in a new era of truth, rightmindedness and right-orientation and it seeks to inspire growth in the spiritual and contextual framework within which we function as a 'civilisation'..
I have seen that there is a lot of work that needs to be done to help the poor, especially the rural young by involving them in the mitigation projects to combat climate change in the developing world and that is exactly what I will do. The mission of my company is to address the nexus of poverty and environment while creating sustainable livelihoods for the poor through massive tree plantations and agro-based projects in the developing world across the world.
SAVE PLANET EARTH FOUNDATION INC .. innovative social change communications programming tackles widely recognized health and educational disparities, connecting the enjoyment of storytelling with information that can and does change and save lives.
SAVE PLANET EARTH FOUNDATION INC ..pioneering approach aims to educate and empower governments, NGOs and foundations in the strength of communications in their social change agendas, campaigns and educational programming
other aim:...
Clearcutting, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, pollution. Most of us have heard of these methods by which our planet is being killed. But how many people are aware of the damage being done to our oceans by over-fishing, scraping bottom, or cruise ships? Do you know what companies are putting hazardous chemicals into your air, food, and water? Or what those chemicals do to the human body?
Saving Planet Earth tells you, an inhabitant of this dying planet, exactly what atrocities are being committed right now - locally and globally - and how to stop them.
**********************************************************Earth Facts"The local and global chal-lenges created by climate
change - environmental, economic and social - are manifold and
will both multi-ply and acceler-ate in our life-times. For the world's finan-ciers, investors and capital markets the time to act is now."
Quote by: Klaus Toepfer, Execu-tive Director of United Nations
Environment Programme May 10, 2005
Activities Center
We are in the process of building our Activities Center. Once completed it will provide our members with numerous local and online activities that they and their friends can choose to participate in.
"The Environmental Community is dedicated to providing advanced services to all TEC member organizations. We are inviting all Earth minded organizations to join us, we're going to change everything!"
TEC Committee
Our Mission
Action is the single most important necessity in the crusade to rescue the global environment from the clutches of destruction. It is vital that we not only educate individuals about the rapid decline of the global ecology and man's role in this decline, but also empower people to take specific action to reverse the deterioration of our fragile ecology. In order to best effectively organize such action, activists must establish and manage a network wherein individuals may learn more about specific environmental projects and how to become involved personally.
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About Us
Many of us want to save world, but this desire demands action if it is to become a reality. Instead of discussing the frustration of not bringing about the changes we envision, let’s work together to make them happen. Action Advocacy focuses on individual effort as key to the success of outcomes. This means that together we must unite to build a network of people working and devoted to a singular cause.
Action Advocacy sets the transition from being an environmentalist to being an environmental activist. By addressing issues of great need and then tackling the subject together, we will organize a powerful movement to better the conditions of our environment and mankind.
What Is My Carbon Footprint?
If you have ever been asked about your carbon footprint don’t look down because it has nothing to do with your feet. Your “carbon footprint” is a verbal symbolism for the personal impact you are leaving upon the planet by your physical activities and by certain lifestyle choices. It is not a visible imprint but the ramifications can become visible by increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over time.
What is a Carbon Footprint?
A carbon footprint is simply a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases your presence on earth adds to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are important because when they build up to unmanageable levels it can cause clouding of the air and lead to global warming according to some scientists. The choices you make in lifestyle activities can cause you to have a larger or a smaller carbon footprint. For example, if you have a private plane and a gas guzzling car you are creating a much larger carbon footprint than the activist who rides a bicycle to work and never flies anywhere even commercially.
Why is your carbon footprint important?
The concept of a carbon footprint is important to understand so everyone can make even small adjustments in their lifestyles to try to reduce the global buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. A reduction by everyone is needed to affect the environment. Governments are trying to influence businesses to reduce CO2 outputs by levying high taxes if they produce too much pollution. Governments also can tax consumer items such as gasoline to influence the public to drive more efficient cars and to reduce the amounts of gasoline and other fossil fuels that cause CO2 buildups. The concept of “cap and trade” is one huge taxation effort that will force everyone to pay more in an effort to force a reduction of the carbon footprint of a population.
Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
It is possible to estimate what your household carbon footprint is by using carbon footprint calculators that are easily found online. Just put “carbon footprint calculator” into your computer browser and many will be listed. Go to a calculator and fill in the blanks and you will get a reasonable estimate of the size of your carbon footprint.
Once you know what your carbon footprint is you can begin to attempt reductions. The areas to work within include the home, transportation, food choices or your diet plans and recycling and waste efforts that you can participate in. According to The Nature Conservatory, the average 5 person American household contributes 130 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere yearly. The world average for a 5 person household is just 28 tons per year. Use their calculator* to discover where your lifestyle choices set your family compared to those averages.
Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Ways to reduce your impact include driving less or not at all, using appliances that are energy efficient and cutting your use of electricity and other energy sources that require power plants that use fossil fuels to produce that power. Change from meat to vegetarian meals because the carbon cost of raising meat is higher than that for growing vegetables. Also, animals produce a lot of CO2. Use energy efficient CFL light bulbs that last much longer and use less energy than incandescent bulbs. When possible use solar or wind power as alternatives to electricity. Plant trees and use recycling, composting and other waste reduction practices. If everyone attempts to reduce their carbon footprint even a small amount the total impact can be multiplied by millions. Everyone has a vested interest in keeping the planet safe and healthy. Reducing carbon footprints is a great way to help save the world.
Green Money Saving Tips:
There are two major issues facing the world today: the economy and the environment. However, these issues are not necessarily as separate as it might appear at first glance. For the average consumer, going green to save the world can be all about saving some green as well.
As more people are forced to look for areas to cut in their household budgets, one possible place to start is with simple green fixes. There are a number of green money saving techniques, as long as consumers know where to look. Through green money saving at home, it is also possible to save the world.
Rent instead of buy
Though many people value ownership, it is not always the best route when it comes to going green. Instead, for those who are interested in a bit of money saving, it is perhaps time to reconsider renting to save the world. The best place to start for money saving effects is with the little things, such as books, movies, and CDs. These recreational items tend to be expensive and usually do not see much use, sometimes even being discarded prematurely. Therefore, a green money saving idea is to rent these items, which is possible at any local library. This green idea will not only help save the world but it also serves as an easy-to-implement money saving strategy.
Optimize computer energy settings
Energy expenses are consistently on the rise. Most energy sources are not infinite, which is why energy efficiency is at the core of the green movement to save the world. Most computers have various energy saving modes, which can be turned on in order to reduce energy waste and help save the world. These settings can be found in the computer’s control panel or system preference folder. With these settings in place, individuals can expect to see money saving of 40 to 80 dollars per year.
Another great money saving tip that can also save the world is to consider upgrading computers and other technology. Older models are far less green, and though newer models may be a bit of an investment upfront, they tend to be money saving opportunities in the long run that can save the world.
Use rechargeable batteries
Everyone knows that to save the world it is imperative to reuse. One of the easiest green money saving tips is to utilize reusable batteries. Batteries are a huge area of waste, with over fifteen billion thrown away each year. Reusable batteries can often be charged up to 1000 times, which certainly can help save the world.
To make it even easier to save the world and some money, the latest rechargeable batteries are even more convenient to charge, without the clunky charging stations that are such a turn off to so many consumers. The latest rechargeable batteries can be plugged in to a USB drive to make it that much easier to save the world.
Install CFLs Light bulbs
Another bright money saving idea to save the world is to replace inefficient devices. One easy green option is to switch out old light bulbs with money saving CFLs bulbs. These innovative greens bulbs not only use a third less energy, but they can also last up to ten times longer. This means that one bulb can reduce power plant emissions by 450 pounds, which is a great way to save the world. It is true that this green fix will cost more initially, but the real money saving occurs with the reduced cost of the power bill and the longevity of the bulb.
Save The World By Recycling:
It has become increasingly apparent that human beings must make some major changes in order to reverse some of the damage they have done to the environment. Recycling is one of the best examples of an effort that can have a very positive impact on the fate of the planet. Once a relatively obscure and rare phenomenon, recycling has become quite popular in modern times. The number of people who recycle has skyrocketed; even major corporations have gotten in on the action.
What Can Be Recycled?
When most people think about recycling, paper comes immediately to mind. Paper is the most common material that people recycle, after all. Many other materials can be recycled, though; other very popular choices are soda pop aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Other forms of aluminum and plastic can also be reused and recycled, reducing the amount of refuse in landfills. Glass is frequently recycled by being melted down and turned into new glass. Batteries are another item that people are encouraged to recycle whenever possible. As recycling efforts increase, the number of recyclable items continues to rise around the world.
How To Recycle
The most popular and common way to participate in recycling is by finding your local recycling center and bringing items you want to recycle there on a regular basis. Some communities even provide special bins that residents can use to set along the curb for the collection of recyclable materials. Many supermarkets and convenience stores have can and bottle machines that people can use to recycle their old products. Beyond community efforts, recycling can take place right within the home. Paper can be saved and set aside to be reused by kids for art projects; other household items can be saved for future undertakings.
What Happens To Recycled Materials?
When paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and many other items are recycled, they are used to make many new products. In many cases, recycled materials are used to manufacture more of the same product that they were originally. This is especially true in the case of aluminum cans, which are frequently recycled and made into new cans. Any sheet of paper that you choose to recycle might very well end up becoming a part of another notebook or other set of paper in the future. Glass is recycled and made into new types of glass, too; concrete is recycled and made into fresh concrete components as well.
Why Should You Recycle?
The more people who choose to recycle, the greater the impact recycling will have on the environment. Therefore, it is important that every single person do their own part and contribute to recycling efforts. If you have children, showing them your willingness to recycle can help instill good recycling habits in them that will benefit the environment for years to come. Knowing that you are doing your own part to help save the world through recycling can be a very good feeling; it is a proactive way to reduce the amount of pollution on planet Earth.
Global Warming Truth:
since saving the planet is such an important topic in this day and age, learning about global warming is critical to understanding how Earth is being affected by humans. As pollutants continue to go up and become bottled up within the Earth’s atmosphere, global warming climbs up and up. Many scientists and other researchers are tracking the phenomenon diligently, trying to convince the public about its reality – and its dangers.
What Is Global Warming?
Although the greenhouse effect has a largely negative connotation, it is something that actually serves a very useful purpose – to a point. Without the greenhouse effect, the surface of the Earth would not become warm enough to sustain life; the atmosphere would merely release any heat generated by the Sun instantaneously. However, global warming is caused by a marked increase in the greenhouse effect which is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. CO2 is the most characteristic aspect of global warming, and it has been introduced to the atmosphere in larger and larger quantities as industrial manufacturing has increased through modern times.
Causes And Effects Of Global Warming
CO2 – or carbon dioxide – is the biggest culprit behind global warming; other pollutants also play parts in the problem. But where specifically do these contaminants come from? The majority of the CO2 and other pollutants that cause global warming come from two main sources: coal burning power plants and automobiles. Especially when they were first introduced, cars seriously increased the levels of CO2 in the air; more recently, emissions standards have been enforced around much of the globe in order to reduce their contribution of CO2 – and hopefully reduce the effects of global warming. Power plants were once far more polluting than they are today, since new standards have also been implemented for them.
Is Global Warming A Hoax?
As with any relatively controversial topic, there are plenty of people who are convinced that global warming is a hoax. They believe that the Earth simply has cycles of warm and cool, and that we happen to be in a warm cycle right now. During major elections, the merits of claims about global warming are hotly debated. Al Gore – the former Vice President of the United States – produced and directed a documentary about global warming called “An Inconvenient Truth” which increased the debate about this phenomenon around the world.
Facts About Global Warming
It is believed that due to global warming, the Earth’s temperature is rising at a faster rate over the past 50 years than it has at any other point in history. Interestingly, the ten hottest years ever recorded have all occurred since 1990 – prompting global warming warnings.
By the end of this century, average temperatures in the U.S. could rise by three to nine degrees. As further evidence of the effects of global warming, parts of the American Southwest experienced a record number of wildfires in 2002. Levels of CO2 are 31 percent higher than pre-industrial levels; more and more people are becoming concerned about global warming.
Experts Affirm That We’re To Blame For Global Warming:
It’s your fault,” are words that no one particularly enjoys hearing. But that’s exactly what scientists are saying about global warming. But who else would we have blamed? The olinguito? Superman?
Ironically, but appropriately for the times, this rather obvious conclusion was apparently leaked from the fifth assessment report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Reuters was able to get an early look at drafts of the report, which will be published in September.
The report attempts to quantify what we already knew, asserting that “it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities — chiefly the burning of fossil fuels — are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.” When the last report was issued in 1997, scientists put the likelihood of human activity being the cause of global warming at 90%. Six years earlier, that number was at 66%. In the first report published in 1995, experts we were only 50% sure that humans were to blame for the planet’s temperature increases. Bit by bit, scientists have confirmed that global warming can’t be attributed to natural climate fluctuations. The more we know, the more we know who to blame, but that still raises three big questions: how bad will this be? When? And what the hell are we going to do about it?The more we learn about climate change, the more likely it seems that the impacts of global warming will be catastrophic. Another downer in the report is that scientists are having a harder time than anticipated predicting the impacts in specific regions and in specific time-frames, which makes it more difficult to come up with time and area-specific solutions or resolutions. Generally, the lack of solid predictions for temperature increases has been a disappointment for a while. “People ask, ‘what’s the temperature going to be in this region in the next 20-30 years, because that’s where our power grid is?’” said NASA climate scientist Drew Shindell, but they “can’t really tell. It’s a shame.”
“You can’t write an equation for a tree,” said Swiss Federal Institute of Technology professor Reto Knutti.
The IPCC’s 2007 report predicted the melting of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035, which the panel has admitted is a miscalculation. The soon-to-be-published report, as well as two additional reports set to be published in the next 18 months, will undergo scrutiny and perhaps skepticism. The report will downplay the 2007 claim that increased droughts are also attributable to human activity, but asserts “unequivocal” evidence of rising sea levels and projects a further 29-82 cm rise before the end of the century.
The report notes that governments are set to negotiate an international deal in the next two years to cap rising emissions, and evidence in the report supports the argument that greenhouse gas emissions have already been found to cause higher temperatures. Nearly 200 governments will try to contain global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial average temperatures — temperatures are, on average, 0.8 Celsuis higher now than they were during the early 1800s — though specific strategies for doing that remain somewhat ambiguous. Still, the report predicts that in this century, global temperatures are likely to rise more than that.
While all of this seems pretty grim, there is some good news in the report. Even though global temperatures are on the rise, since roughly 1998 the trend has slowed a bit. The IPCC has “medium confidence” that the slowdown is attributed to natural weather variations and other factors such as volcanic ash, which blocks sunlight and increased levels of carbon dioxide, which may make the climate less sensitive. It’s also possible that the slowdown is random or a fluke.
Green Walls: Save The World at New Heights:
An emerging new technology may have the potential to save the world: green walls. Imagine a skyscraper, towering 80 stories into the air, its walls covered with plants, flowers, and shrubs, and you have imagined the exciting potential of green walls to save the world. These eye-catching walls provide numerous environmental benefits, both to the buildings themselves and the climate as a whole. With a growing population and an environment in need of help, green walls may be what we need to save the world.
What exactly are green walls?
Originating in crowded cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo, green walls developed as a method to save the world from the poor air quality and other environmental issues associated with crowded cities. Usually made up of plant-filled panels, green walls may be attached to any existing structure. While any type of plant may be chosen, choices such as ferns directly impact the reduction of air pollution. Plants that combine beauty with purpose are favorites. Green walls are easy to maintain. Watering can be provided through the building’s plumbing system, and gardening chores, like weeding, are not required. The walls also provide natural cooling to the structure. The landscaping of green walls are meant to provide beauty as well as the potential benefit to save the world.
Green wall technology
Green wall technology comes from the concept of green roofs, another technology developed to save the world from environmental destruction. To construct green walls, aluminum panels are pre-filled with vegetation and then attached to the building’s existing frame. The panels contain most everything the plants need including irrigation systems and growing mediums. A variety of different plants may be used, adding to the beauty and environmental benefits of the walls, including flowers, shrubs, ferns, and edible plants.
How can green walls save the world?
Green walls may save the world in a time when the population is growing and cities are becoming more and more crowded. Beginning with the building itself, green walls provide insulation, helping cool the building naturally as well as retain heat during cold weather. The plants filter air particles, providing a natural reduction in air pollution.
Green walls absorb rainfall and release it slowly into stormwater systems as well as the atmosphere. Animals and insects may find a habitat in the walls, depending on the kinds of plants used. The overall effect of green walls is that of a microclimate, which helps to modify the entire city’s climate, with the long-term potential to save the world from climate destruction. Rather than harming the environment further, a building with green walls has the ability to save the world from environmental destruction, should the technology be used on a large scale.
Other green design breakthroughs: panels, roofs, and houses
In cities like Hong Kong, where most buildings are skyscrapers, it made sense to look to walls as beneficial alternatives or additions to green roofs because the walls of skyscrapers have more area to cover. Green roofs, however, offer a similar potential to save the world from environmental damage.
The panels that are used for green roofs and walls are portable and interchangeable, so there are many possibilities for this kind of technology on all different kinds of buildings. An entire house may be covered with green panels, providing homeowners with significant benefits. As a means to save the world as well as provide personal benefits, green houses will appeal to many homeowners.
Beautiful and environmentally sound, green walls just may save the world.
Renewable Energy Explained:
The United States and other major, industrial countries currently rely a great deal on energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil. Unfortunately, these are resources that can – and very well may – run out.
As awareness increases regarding this issue, people are looking for renewable energy sources to take their place. With renewable energy – like solar and wind power – people can end their reliance on energy sources that are destructive to the planet and that are finite by nature.
What Is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is energy that can be replenished continually and therefore never run out. Sources of renewable energy are also much less destructive to the health of the planet and are considered to be much more eco friendly. As levels of coal, oil and natural gas continue to decline, it is becoming more and more critical to develop ways of using renewable energy for the things that we rely the most heavily on – like cars, heat and other important things.
Many researchers are working diligently to find ways of harnessing renewable energy, engineers are looking at how to implement it in place of current energy sources and politicians and the governments are seeking ways to speed the process up.
Renewable Energy Sources
One of the most well known sources of renewable energy is the sun. Solar power has been used as an energy source for a long time now, but it is being worked with more and more as the problem becomes more urgent.
Wind is another great renewable energy source that is being experimented with for a number of different applications.
Geothermal energy is a type of renewable energy that taps into the Earth’s internal heat.
Hydropower involves using running water – likes rivers – to generate energy and is another potential source of renewable energy.
Non-Renewable Energy
On the flip side of renewable energy are the non-renewable energy sources that people around the world have been relying on for years. Coal and oil are just two examples of this, and as reserves become lower and lower the price of using them grows higher and higher.
Renewable energy seeks to replace these sources of non-renewable energy in order to save the planet and help reduce the cost of running so many important things in people’s lives. Although efforts are underway to find more renewable energy sources, people must diligently find alternatives to non-renewable energy sources.
How To Save The World With Renewable Energy
During recent elections, renewable energy was one of the hottest topics at debates and other forums. It is little wonder; recent spikes in gasoline prices and in heating homes with natural gas have spurred many people to pay much more attention to this issue. By looking for renewable energy sources, the planet can be saved and can stop being ravished for finite materials like oil, coal and natural gas. Also, renewable energy sources do not generate the kind of pollution associated with current energy sources – yet another way to help save the world.
What Can Be Recycled?
When most people think about recycling, paper comes immediately to mind. Paper is the most common material that people recycle, after all. Many other materials can be recycled, though; other very popular choices are soda pop aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Other forms of aluminum and plastic can also be reused and recycled, reducing the amount of refuse in landfills. Glass is frequently recycled by being melted down and turned into new glass. Batteries are another item that people are encouraged to recycle whenever possible. As recycling efforts increase, the number of recyclable items continues to rise around the world.
How To Recycle
The most popular and common way to participate in recycling is by finding your local recycling center and bringing items you want to recycle there on a regular basis. Some communities even provide special bins that residents can use to set along the curb for the collection of recyclable materials. Many supermarkets and convenience stores have can and bottle machines that people can use to recycle their old products. Beyond community efforts, recycling can take place right within the home. Paper can be saved and set aside to be reused by kids for art projects; other household items can be saved for future undertakings.
What Happens To Recycled Materials?
When paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and many other items are recycled, they are used to make many new products. In many cases, recycled materials are used to manufacture more of the same product that they were originally. This is especially true in the case of aluminum cans, which are frequently recycled and made into new cans. Any sheet of paper that you choose to recycle might very well end up becoming a part of another notebook or other set of paper in the future. Glass is recycled and made into new types of glass, too; concrete is recycled and made into fresh concrete components as well.
Why Should You Recycle?
The more people who choose to recycle, the greater the impact recycling will have on the environment. Therefore, it is important that every single person do their own part and contribute to recycling efforts. If you have children, showing them your willingness to recycle can help instill good recycling habits in them that will benefit the environment for years to come. Knowing that you are doing your own part to help save the world through recycling can be a very good feeling; it is a proactive way to reduce the amount of pollution on planet Earth.
Global Warming Truth:
since saving the planet is such an important topic in this day and age, learning about global warming is critical to understanding how Earth is being affected by humans. As pollutants continue to go up and become bottled up within the Earth’s atmosphere, global warming climbs up and up. Many scientists and other researchers are tracking the phenomenon diligently, trying to convince the public about its reality – and its dangers.
What Is Global Warming?
Although the greenhouse effect has a largely negative connotation, it is something that actually serves a very useful purpose – to a point. Without the greenhouse effect, the surface of the Earth would not become warm enough to sustain life; the atmosphere would merely release any heat generated by the Sun instantaneously. However, global warming is caused by a marked increase in the greenhouse effect which is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. CO2 is the most characteristic aspect of global warming, and it has been introduced to the atmosphere in larger and larger quantities as industrial manufacturing has increased through modern times.
Causes And Effects Of Global Warming
CO2 – or carbon dioxide – is the biggest culprit behind global warming; other pollutants also play parts in the problem. But where specifically do these contaminants come from? The majority of the CO2 and other pollutants that cause global warming come from two main sources: coal burning power plants and automobiles. Especially when they were first introduced, cars seriously increased the levels of CO2 in the air; more recently, emissions standards have been enforced around much of the globe in order to reduce their contribution of CO2 – and hopefully reduce the effects of global warming. Power plants were once far more polluting than they are today, since new standards have also been implemented for them.
Is Global Warming A Hoax?
As with any relatively controversial topic, there are plenty of people who are convinced that global warming is a hoax. They believe that the Earth simply has cycles of warm and cool, and that we happen to be in a warm cycle right now. During major elections, the merits of claims about global warming are hotly debated. Al Gore – the former Vice President of the United States – produced and directed a documentary about global warming called “An Inconvenient Truth” which increased the debate about this phenomenon around the world.
Facts About Global Warming
It is believed that due to global warming, the Earth’s temperature is rising at a faster rate over the past 50 years than it has at any other point in history. Interestingly, the ten hottest years ever recorded have all occurred since 1990 – prompting global warming warnings.
By the end of this century, average temperatures in the U.S. could rise by three to nine degrees. As further evidence of the effects of global warming, parts of the American Southwest experienced a record number of wildfires in 2002. Levels of CO2 are 31 percent higher than pre-industrial levels; more and more people are becoming concerned about global warming.
Experts Affirm That We’re To Blame For Global Warming:
It’s your fault,” are words that no one particularly enjoys hearing. But that’s exactly what scientists are saying about global warming. But who else would we have blamed? The olinguito? Superman?
Ironically, but appropriately for the times, this rather obvious conclusion was apparently leaked from the fifth assessment report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Reuters was able to get an early look at drafts of the report, which will be published in September.
The report attempts to quantify what we already knew, asserting that “it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities — chiefly the burning of fossil fuels — are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.” When the last report was issued in 1997, scientists put the likelihood of human activity being the cause of global warming at 90%. Six years earlier, that number was at 66%. In the first report published in 1995, experts we were only 50% sure that humans were to blame for the planet’s temperature increases. Bit by bit, scientists have confirmed that global warming can’t be attributed to natural climate fluctuations. The more we know, the more we know who to blame, but that still raises three big questions: how bad will this be? When? And what the hell are we going to do about it?The more we learn about climate change, the more likely it seems that the impacts of global warming will be catastrophic. Another downer in the report is that scientists are having a harder time than anticipated predicting the impacts in specific regions and in specific time-frames, which makes it more difficult to come up with time and area-specific solutions or resolutions. Generally, the lack of solid predictions for temperature increases has been a disappointment for a while. “People ask, ‘what’s the temperature going to be in this region in the next 20-30 years, because that’s where our power grid is?’” said NASA climate scientist Drew Shindell, but they “can’t really tell. It’s a shame.”
“You can’t write an equation for a tree,” said Swiss Federal Institute of Technology professor Reto Knutti.
The IPCC’s 2007 report predicted the melting of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035, which the panel has admitted is a miscalculation. The soon-to-be-published report, as well as two additional reports set to be published in the next 18 months, will undergo scrutiny and perhaps skepticism. The report will downplay the 2007 claim that increased droughts are also attributable to human activity, but asserts “unequivocal” evidence of rising sea levels and projects a further 29-82 cm rise before the end of the century.
The report notes that governments are set to negotiate an international deal in the next two years to cap rising emissions, and evidence in the report supports the argument that greenhouse gas emissions have already been found to cause higher temperatures. Nearly 200 governments will try to contain global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial average temperatures — temperatures are, on average, 0.8 Celsuis higher now than they were during the early 1800s — though specific strategies for doing that remain somewhat ambiguous. Still, the report predicts that in this century, global temperatures are likely to rise more than that.
While all of this seems pretty grim, there is some good news in the report. Even though global temperatures are on the rise, since roughly 1998 the trend has slowed a bit. The IPCC has “medium confidence” that the slowdown is attributed to natural weather variations and other factors such as volcanic ash, which blocks sunlight and increased levels of carbon dioxide, which may make the climate less sensitive. It’s also possible that the slowdown is random or a fluke.
Green Walls: Save The World at New Heights:
An emerging new technology may have the potential to save the world: green walls. Imagine a skyscraper, towering 80 stories into the air, its walls covered with plants, flowers, and shrubs, and you have imagined the exciting potential of green walls to save the world. These eye-catching walls provide numerous environmental benefits, both to the buildings themselves and the climate as a whole. With a growing population and an environment in need of help, green walls may be what we need to save the world.
What exactly are green walls?
Originating in crowded cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo, green walls developed as a method to save the world from the poor air quality and other environmental issues associated with crowded cities. Usually made up of plant-filled panels, green walls may be attached to any existing structure. While any type of plant may be chosen, choices such as ferns directly impact the reduction of air pollution. Plants that combine beauty with purpose are favorites. Green walls are easy to maintain. Watering can be provided through the building’s plumbing system, and gardening chores, like weeding, are not required. The walls also provide natural cooling to the structure. The landscaping of green walls are meant to provide beauty as well as the potential benefit to save the world.
Green wall technology
Green wall technology comes from the concept of green roofs, another technology developed to save the world from environmental destruction. To construct green walls, aluminum panels are pre-filled with vegetation and then attached to the building’s existing frame. The panels contain most everything the plants need including irrigation systems and growing mediums. A variety of different plants may be used, adding to the beauty and environmental benefits of the walls, including flowers, shrubs, ferns, and edible plants.
How can green walls save the world?
Green walls may save the world in a time when the population is growing and cities are becoming more and more crowded. Beginning with the building itself, green walls provide insulation, helping cool the building naturally as well as retain heat during cold weather. The plants filter air particles, providing a natural reduction in air pollution.
Green walls absorb rainfall and release it slowly into stormwater systems as well as the atmosphere. Animals and insects may find a habitat in the walls, depending on the kinds of plants used. The overall effect of green walls is that of a microclimate, which helps to modify the entire city’s climate, with the long-term potential to save the world from climate destruction. Rather than harming the environment further, a building with green walls has the ability to save the world from environmental destruction, should the technology be used on a large scale.
Other green design breakthroughs: panels, roofs, and houses
In cities like Hong Kong, where most buildings are skyscrapers, it made sense to look to walls as beneficial alternatives or additions to green roofs because the walls of skyscrapers have more area to cover. Green roofs, however, offer a similar potential to save the world from environmental damage.
The panels that are used for green roofs and walls are portable and interchangeable, so there are many possibilities for this kind of technology on all different kinds of buildings. An entire house may be covered with green panels, providing homeowners with significant benefits. As a means to save the world as well as provide personal benefits, green houses will appeal to many homeowners.
Beautiful and environmentally sound, green walls just may save the world.
Renewable Energy Explained:

The United States and other major, industrial countries currently rely a great deal on energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil. Unfortunately, these are resources that can – and very well may – run out.
As awareness increases regarding this issue, people are looking for renewable energy sources to take their place. With renewable energy – like solar and wind power – people can end their reliance on energy sources that are destructive to the planet and that are finite by nature.
What Is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is energy that can be replenished continually and therefore never run out. Sources of renewable energy are also much less destructive to the health of the planet and are considered to be much more eco friendly. As levels of coal, oil and natural gas continue to decline, it is becoming more and more critical to develop ways of using renewable energy for the things that we rely the most heavily on – like cars, heat and other important things.
Many researchers are working diligently to find ways of harnessing renewable energy, engineers are looking at how to implement it in place of current energy sources and politicians and the governments are seeking ways to speed the process up.
Renewable Energy Sources
One of the most well known sources of renewable energy is the sun. Solar power has been used as an energy source for a long time now, but it is being worked with more and more as the problem becomes more urgent.
Wind is another great renewable energy source that is being experimented with for a number of different applications.
Geothermal energy is a type of renewable energy that taps into the Earth’s internal heat.
Hydropower involves using running water – likes rivers – to generate energy and is another potential source of renewable energy.
Non-Renewable Energy
On the flip side of renewable energy are the non-renewable energy sources that people around the world have been relying on for years. Coal and oil are just two examples of this, and as reserves become lower and lower the price of using them grows higher and higher.
Renewable energy seeks to replace these sources of non-renewable energy in order to save the planet and help reduce the cost of running so many important things in people’s lives. Although efforts are underway to find more renewable energy sources, people must diligently find alternatives to non-renewable energy sources.
How To Save The World With Renewable Energy
During recent elections, renewable energy was one of the hottest topics at debates and other forums. It is little wonder; recent spikes in gasoline prices and in heating homes with natural gas have spurred many people to pay much more attention to this issue. By looking for renewable energy sources, the planet can be saved and can stop being ravished for finite materials like oil, coal and natural gas. Also, renewable energy sources do not generate the kind of pollution associated with current energy sources – yet another way to help save the world.